Wednesday, May 22, 2013


today in wes civ we got our test back and they were good news for other people and not so good news for me. i got a 62 on the real test and a 3 on the pop quiz so i didnt do so well . then we went over the test and mr schick gve us all the awnsers and i l relized that i missed some of the most oibvious questions for like when it said what religion did jesus practice i said christianity and that was wrong because he invented that with his "dad". but he praccticed Judaism which means he was jewish not catholic. then becca gave us all cookies and they where so freaking good. i do not know who made them they but they need to start making alot more cookies for me because i really liked them . then we were kinda just able to do what we wanted for the last 5 or 10 minutes of class but tommrow we start to prepare for the exam.

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