Wednesday, May 22, 2013


today in wes civ we got our test back and they were good news for other people and not so good news for me. i got a 62 on the real test and a 3 on the pop quiz so i didnt do so well . then we went over the test and mr schick gve us all the awnsers and i l relized that i missed some of the most oibvious questions for like when it said what religion did jesus practice i said christianity and that was wrong because he invented that with his "dad". but he praccticed Judaism which means he was jewish not catholic. then becca gave us all cookies and they where so freaking good. i do not know who made them they but they need to start making alot more cookies for me because i really liked them . then we were kinda just able to do what we wanted for the last 5 or 10 minutes of class but tommrow we start to prepare for the exam.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


today in wes civ we took notes

the edicts said its ok to practice any religion
the city was originaly called Byzantium
the western side was harder to take care of
no matter where you are always going to have rich and poor people it has been that way forever
country dwellers are going bankrupt
there trying to pay the government which has way to many people
pesants started to wok for big farmers
they want back breaking work in return
futelism is a system where some one controls a small town
the western empirer is going down the toilet
barbairn groups came in and they did what they wanted because they didn't have the roman legion to stop them
end of an era
a 15 year old kid is named the empoer
these are the notes i took 


today in wes civ we took a test which i think i did pretty well on so i guese we will have to wait and see


TODAY IS MONDAY and is wes civ we went over the power point that mr schick had made up so we could reveiw for the test. he said the he belives that we all can do goodi we study. then he wasent sure if he should say that becuase the last time he said that well we all did not do too well. So this time around he tried not to jinks it

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday means almost friday

Its thursday in wes civ land and today we finished going over the power point that mr schick started to present yesterday. i did not take any notes because its on his webstie and i can get acsess to it right there when i need it. then when we were done with that he went over our assignment and we got and groups and started to work on our project. Im working with nick and andy. We did a lot of work and we finished our project

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

tesstt ohh no pax romana

today in wes civ we took a test and i dont think i did good. because i forgot about it and i didnt study. so if i fail that would explain most of what if i do fail. we also turned in our papers and made mr schick proud because we all had speical names for our papers which was able to keep our grade above the other class because they all used the same name..... "pax romana " mine and nicks was the paper of wise and moscati

Friday, May 3, 2013


today in wes civ we continued to watch the video. today we did not have any technical difficulties. here are some notes i took

rome wasent always ruled by dictators
they called there former government the republic and it lasted for over 500 years
Young Tiburus- he was a hater of kings. and did not want rome to go back to kings, HIs dad was highly honored
young tiburus was murdered by the aristocrats who where standing behind him. he had to watch his dad be burned to death.
146bc carthage
tiburus made his fist impact on rome 10 years later
he had started a plan to attack carthage 

Monday, April 29, 2013


Today we had a lot of technical difficulties. first off when we tried to watch the video that mr schick wanted to show us we could not get sound out of his computer. we never knew why. then we hooked up nicks computer and we had sound but no video. so then we went back to mr schicks computer we had to be able to get it this time. well nope didnt happen. then we went on and on then mr schick left. no idea where he went but while he was gone we hooked up becas computer and we got sound and video out of hers so when mr schick came back he was pleased to see we got it to work

notes -   rome wasent always ruled by dictators
they called there former government the republic and it lasted for over 500 years
Young Tiburus- he was a hater of kings. and did not want rome to go back to kings, HIs dad was highly honored
young tiburus was murdered by the aristocrats who where standing behind him. he had to watch his dad be burned to death.
146bc carthage
tiburus made his fist impact on rome 10 years later
he had started a plan to attack carthage 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Today in west civ we reviewed for the test. Mr Schick went over the song from where we left off on monday. We were talking just about all the same stuff we learned in the song, and all the things that me and nick and andy put into out powerpoint. but we also where able to learn what was gonning to be on the test. and Mr Schick was so suprised when i was the only one he new what a tribune was. Then we were talking about Honnors English. Because that has absolutely everything to do with western civ and made toatl sense. and then the bell rang BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!


Today in wes civ we presented out extra credit projects. Me Nick and Andy got a 7 out of 10. We made a power point that decribed certian parts of the song. it was able to go through and brake down what happened in the time periods that mr schick was rapping about. We did ok i guese for the first time. But the best group i would have to say was the one that carly was in. Hers was on movie maker and and looked amazing if anything she got a 10 out of 10. then there was johns "power point" that was in one note. then there was me and nick and andy. and also there was the horrible audience who tried to give every ones 0.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


OMG ME AND NICK ARE ACTUAL WORKING...... so in wes civ today Mr Schick took a survey about the movie marker project were suposed to be doing. In the end we got rid of it. Because the only people that wernt having problems with it was Carly. And thats 1 out of like 20 so there is a problem. so now insted of a movie maker me and my group are making a power point. What we are doing is going through the lyrics of Mr Schicks song and picking out the important parts and finding pictures for those words. then we are pileing them into a big power point that Mr Schick is going to give us extra credit for

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Today in wes civ mr schick gave us our next project, so out last project was the pixton and me and nick did pretty good with that. so now mr schick is giving a project were we have to make a movie with move maker 2.6 and we have make a video of pictures that relate to his song about rome. which is deffinetly on of the best covers of low by tpain ever. i am doing my movie with nick andy cameron

Friday, April 12, 2013


today in wes civ we started to work on our pixton projects. i am doing mine with nick. and suprisingly we were able to get just about all of it done. we had to base our projects off the story of romulus and remus. there story was that they are twin brothers and there mom had to let them go because she could not take care of them so she sent them down a river. then they were found by a she-wolf. who fed them all the food they needed. then went off and they where adopted by a shepered then one day they came across a spot of land and they both wanted to be the king of this land so one of them pick up a rock and killed the other one so who could be king...brotherly love yay!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Get Rome

Today in wes civ class we walked in and then mr schick walked in with his daugther and then they where Tryna be all hip. Then he started playing music and then him and his daugther started to song a cover of low but there version was about Rome..... Then he handed back our test and out section had the lowest avg of grades and I got a 53 so I think mr schick is gonna let me re take it.... But otherwise we had a lot of fun in class today

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


we didnt have class today because it snowed...therefore they canceled school so yeah

Thursday, March 21, 2013


today in west civ we did out final toches on the out powerpoints and we have gotten up 8 slides and i think we did a great amount of work for the little amount of time we had. i think we will get a great grade on this project. or at least i hope so. we will have a advantage when we present because we have you know ben and hes good at presenting things


Today in west civ we got a new group project and my project is on alexander the great and his birth and his horses and how he got totured by some people. and my group is ben and maria. we are going to have one class period to work on this power point and then we have to do the rest out side of class so this will be interesting to see how this goes


On today in west civ we took a test and i didnt too good so i dont know if my grade will be passing for this quater

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

HomeWork 3/18/13

Hellenistic- it is a word that is pertaining to the greeks after the time of Alexander the great. it also relates to the architecture of Greece between the 3rd century and the 1st century Bc. and has to do with the fine arts style of Alexander the great. 

Macedonia- is a peninsula

Athens lost the peoplonesion war because they had a much smaller military they only had the navy. the atheneains had no chance aginst sparta. the reason was sprtas life was focused on the military. sparta also had the help of pursia after they destroyed Athens.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Today in westeren civ

In wes civ we heard that mr schichk was going on senior retreat and we were gonna have a sub tommrow. but he didnt know who it was going to be. then we continued to watch out movie. we learned more about the persian invasion and how they attacked greece and they out numbered them 2 to 1 but they still managed to loose the war and didnt even come close to winning the second time because the greece had more brains then they did

Friday, March 1, 2013


Today in wes civ we started to watch a movie. we watched a movie on the greeks and how they lived. it was pretty ASTONISHING how they lived there lives. Then mr. schick kepy making fun of the guys voice. it was pretty  ASTONISHING how close he was able to copy the annoying guys voice. but im sure we will see more of the ASTONISHING movie on monday when we go in A ASTONISHING hour late

Monday, February 25, 2013

mr schichk went to dc

Today in class we had sub. Mrs Willian i think was her name but while mr schick was gone we took a test

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today in wes civ we went over the rest of the outline and mr schick tried new ways to entertain the class and he then he made taylor teach and that was interesting but she was not as good as ben. then we had a brake and decided to give us all the last mod to do other work on catch up blogs and thats what im doing

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Today in west civ we had a very fun class. we walked in and mr schick started by doing attendance back wards. Then he was telling us about how he was going to make us really board and he was planning to make us all fall asleep. so then he called on ben....he fixed all that. it was not longer boring and we learned so much i think because it was a fun environmental its hard to learn something if the teacher is just blabbin.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


today in Mr Schicks class we were informed about the test next monday. we where also able to get through to groups power points. we got through the first group who was taylor carly and john there group had a very impressive power point they had a ton of information and it seemed like they knew what they where talking about. then john just randomly left. then we had beca olivia and matt they also had a ton of information in there slides they had a crampt time though to finish there powerpoint and the rest of us will present tommrow


In Lo1 we talked about all the people there where really just starting out how to live there life. they where just figuring out how to hunt and store meet. at this time they really hadent develpoed much. they where figuring out how to build like little hut type things so that they could be safe and stay some what dry if had started to rain but other then that they where just now about to learn hunting and gathering and moving on to the next stage. they also not into the stage yet that jared diamond had said to be "geographical luck" because they have not yet discover wheat and barley in some parts of the world.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Today in class we got mr schick back. and at first he seemed a little dissapointed about how slow our groups were working and he didnt think that we were making any progress for the amount of time that had given to us to work on these projects. so we continued with out projects and we made some decent progress on them. then he showed us an example of what one of the girls in another class did. that made us realize that we needed way more then we had and we need to get back on foucus. so we started to pick up pace.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Today in wes civ we got to class. AND MR SCHICK WASENT THERE OH NO :O.! But it was all good because we had Mrs Hugo as a sub and she was able to instrutc us what to do. so we got in out groups and we continued to maed progress on our power points. My group made some progress we thought till i saw mr schick was vewing and i messeaged him and he said we need more :(

Monday, February 11, 2013


Today in west civ we started a new section in out text along out western civ journey. we started to study acient greece we have moved from egypt to greece so now where learning about the highest point in greek and how they bulit this massive stone structure on top of it. then we were all wondering how in the world they built the stone henge because there like 10 ton rocks that would be nearly impossible for people to lift. then we where talking about some ways to get them up like that. and the only reason we have heard of before was that the aliens helped      

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Today in wes civ

Today in wes civ we finished the power point on egypt and mummies and and how the women where treated and how the men lived. the mummy part was very interesting. they would take the body and then they would take out all of the organs. then they would coat the body in salt. then they would leave it alone for 40 days. then they would come back and they would coat in in perfume and then they would cost in a sticky liquid and then wrap it. then they would coat it agian then they would wrap it agian then they placed a pouch on his or her chest then they would repeat untill they painted the the top layer.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Today in wes civ we played a game that was a way to help us understand how to bulid pyrimids. my group was me and nick. he didnt do anything. it was fun it was a hard game that took aome brains to complete and if we finished first we got 10 points 2nd we got 9 and anything after that we got 8 me and nick finished 5th at the end mr schick gave us both knucle bumps when I FINISHED :P

Thursday, January 24, 2013

wes civer CRASH COURSE

Today in class we watched a bid in called the crash course and it is this guy who teaches about the stuff we learning in class. how bout that. some interesting things that were said in the video were that if you earn minum wage and can earn a 99 cent burger in just around 11 minutes. and that for some reason it takes elephants 22 months to give birth

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Western civer 1/23/13

Today in western civs we took notes on a power point that mr. shcick im guesing put togather. some of the things i wrote down was that there were people on all the continets as far back as 14,000 years ago.we also went over the papers that we were supose to right over the weekend. there where some of us that didnt like what jared diamond had to say.and there where some that did. but theres always a split in the group.

Was Jared Diamond on track with his theory of "geographic luck"?

Jared diamond. was he on track with this whole luck theory that he came up with. personaly i think he was just kind of making an assumption. because even if you didnt have the crops that you wanted you could still get them. it wasent has esay as it is today but it is still possible. if you were able to get wheat and barley and bring it back to your home land there is no reason that you couldent get it to grow. if you have sun in water just about anything will grow. and the only reason that i can see for paupa new guni being so far behind from the rest of the world is because there people dont really seem to care. you would think that if they cared enough they would stop living in the woods and hop on there boats and what and go make contact with the rest of and the world and let people know that they still are on this planet. But they waited almost 4000 years before they were able to even get shovels. like really a shovel. they also could have tried to put things togather with the australian goverment to help them start a plan to come up in the world and get out the prehistoric time that they are still in. So in my onion Jared Diamond is way off track.