Wednesday, May 22, 2013


today in wes civ we got our test back and they were good news for other people and not so good news for me. i got a 62 on the real test and a 3 on the pop quiz so i didnt do so well . then we went over the test and mr schick gve us all the awnsers and i l relized that i missed some of the most oibvious questions for like when it said what religion did jesus practice i said christianity and that was wrong because he invented that with his "dad". but he praccticed Judaism which means he was jewish not catholic. then becca gave us all cookies and they where so freaking good. i do not know who made them they but they need to start making alot more cookies for me because i really liked them . then we were kinda just able to do what we wanted for the last 5 or 10 minutes of class but tommrow we start to prepare for the exam.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


today in wes civ we took notes

the edicts said its ok to practice any religion
the city was originaly called Byzantium
the western side was harder to take care of
no matter where you are always going to have rich and poor people it has been that way forever
country dwellers are going bankrupt
there trying to pay the government which has way to many people
pesants started to wok for big farmers
they want back breaking work in return
futelism is a system where some one controls a small town
the western empirer is going down the toilet
barbairn groups came in and they did what they wanted because they didn't have the roman legion to stop them
end of an era
a 15 year old kid is named the empoer
these are the notes i took 


today in wes civ we took a test which i think i did pretty well on so i guese we will have to wait and see


TODAY IS MONDAY and is wes civ we went over the power point that mr schick had made up so we could reveiw for the test. he said the he belives that we all can do goodi we study. then he wasent sure if he should say that becuase the last time he said that well we all did not do too well. So this time around he tried not to jinks it

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday means almost friday

Its thursday in wes civ land and today we finished going over the power point that mr schick started to present yesterday. i did not take any notes because its on his webstie and i can get acsess to it right there when i need it. then when we were done with that he went over our assignment and we got and groups and started to work on our project. Im working with nick and andy. We did a lot of work and we finished our project

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

tesstt ohh no pax romana

today in wes civ we took a test and i dont think i did good. because i forgot about it and i didnt study. so if i fail that would explain most of what if i do fail. we also turned in our papers and made mr schick proud because we all had speical names for our papers which was able to keep our grade above the other class because they all used the same name..... "pax romana " mine and nicks was the paper of wise and moscati

Friday, May 3, 2013


today in wes civ we continued to watch the video. today we did not have any technical difficulties. here are some notes i took

rome wasent always ruled by dictators
they called there former government the republic and it lasted for over 500 years
Young Tiburus- he was a hater of kings. and did not want rome to go back to kings, HIs dad was highly honored
young tiburus was murdered by the aristocrats who where standing behind him. he had to watch his dad be burned to death.
146bc carthage
tiburus made his fist impact on rome 10 years later
he had started a plan to attack carthage