Monday, April 29, 2013


Today we had a lot of technical difficulties. first off when we tried to watch the video that mr schick wanted to show us we could not get sound out of his computer. we never knew why. then we hooked up nicks computer and we had sound but no video. so then we went back to mr schicks computer we had to be able to get it this time. well nope didnt happen. then we went on and on then mr schick left. no idea where he went but while he was gone we hooked up becas computer and we got sound and video out of hers so when mr schick came back he was pleased to see we got it to work

notes -   rome wasent always ruled by dictators
they called there former government the republic and it lasted for over 500 years
Young Tiburus- he was a hater of kings. and did not want rome to go back to kings, HIs dad was highly honored
young tiburus was murdered by the aristocrats who where standing behind him. he had to watch his dad be burned to death.
146bc carthage
tiburus made his fist impact on rome 10 years later
he had started a plan to attack carthage 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Today in west civ we reviewed for the test. Mr Schick went over the song from where we left off on monday. We were talking just about all the same stuff we learned in the song, and all the things that me and nick and andy put into out powerpoint. but we also where able to learn what was gonning to be on the test. and Mr Schick was so suprised when i was the only one he new what a tribune was. Then we were talking about Honnors English. Because that has absolutely everything to do with western civ and made toatl sense. and then the bell rang BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!


Today in wes civ we presented out extra credit projects. Me Nick and Andy got a 7 out of 10. We made a power point that decribed certian parts of the song. it was able to go through and brake down what happened in the time periods that mr schick was rapping about. We did ok i guese for the first time. But the best group i would have to say was the one that carly was in. Hers was on movie maker and and looked amazing if anything she got a 10 out of 10. then there was johns "power point" that was in one note. then there was me and nick and andy. and also there was the horrible audience who tried to give every ones 0.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


OMG ME AND NICK ARE ACTUAL WORKING...... so in wes civ today Mr Schick took a survey about the movie marker project were suposed to be doing. In the end we got rid of it. Because the only people that wernt having problems with it was Carly. And thats 1 out of like 20 so there is a problem. so now insted of a movie maker me and my group are making a power point. What we are doing is going through the lyrics of Mr Schicks song and picking out the important parts and finding pictures for those words. then we are pileing them into a big power point that Mr Schick is going to give us extra credit for

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Today in wes civ mr schick gave us our next project, so out last project was the pixton and me and nick did pretty good with that. so now mr schick is giving a project were we have to make a movie with move maker 2.6 and we have make a video of pictures that relate to his song about rome. which is deffinetly on of the best covers of low by tpain ever. i am doing my movie with nick andy cameron

Friday, April 12, 2013


today in wes civ we started to work on our pixton projects. i am doing mine with nick. and suprisingly we were able to get just about all of it done. we had to base our projects off the story of romulus and remus. there story was that they are twin brothers and there mom had to let them go because she could not take care of them so she sent them down a river. then they were found by a she-wolf. who fed them all the food they needed. then went off and they where adopted by a shepered then one day they came across a spot of land and they both wanted to be the king of this land so one of them pick up a rock and killed the other one so who could be king...brotherly love yay!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Get Rome

Today in wes civ class we walked in and then mr schick walked in with his daugther and then they where Tryna be all hip. Then he started playing music and then him and his daugther started to song a cover of low but there version was about Rome..... Then he handed back our test and out section had the lowest avg of grades and I got a 53 so I think mr schick is gonna let me re take it.... But otherwise we had a lot of fun in class today