Wednesday, March 27, 2013


we didnt have class today because it snowed...therefore they canceled school so yeah

Thursday, March 21, 2013


today in west civ we did out final toches on the out powerpoints and we have gotten up 8 slides and i think we did a great amount of work for the little amount of time we had. i think we will get a great grade on this project. or at least i hope so. we will have a advantage when we present because we have you know ben and hes good at presenting things


Today in west civ we got a new group project and my project is on alexander the great and his birth and his horses and how he got totured by some people. and my group is ben and maria. we are going to have one class period to work on this power point and then we have to do the rest out side of class so this will be interesting to see how this goes


On today in west civ we took a test and i didnt too good so i dont know if my grade will be passing for this quater

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

HomeWork 3/18/13

Hellenistic- it is a word that is pertaining to the greeks after the time of Alexander the great. it also relates to the architecture of Greece between the 3rd century and the 1st century Bc. and has to do with the fine arts style of Alexander the great. 

Macedonia- is a peninsula

Athens lost the peoplonesion war because they had a much smaller military they only had the navy. the atheneains had no chance aginst sparta. the reason was sprtas life was focused on the military. sparta also had the help of pursia after they destroyed Athens.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Today in westeren civ

In wes civ we heard that mr schichk was going on senior retreat and we were gonna have a sub tommrow. but he didnt know who it was going to be. then we continued to watch out movie. we learned more about the persian invasion and how they attacked greece and they out numbered them 2 to 1 but they still managed to loose the war and didnt even come close to winning the second time because the greece had more brains then they did

Friday, March 1, 2013


Today in wes civ we started to watch a movie. we watched a movie on the greeks and how they lived. it was pretty ASTONISHING how they lived there lives. Then mr. schick kepy making fun of the guys voice. it was pretty  ASTONISHING how close he was able to copy the annoying guys voice. but im sure we will see more of the ASTONISHING movie on monday when we go in A ASTONISHING hour late